About the

Florida College of Emergency Physicians

Chartered on October 15, 1971 as a state chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), the Florida College of Emergency Physicians (FCEP) exists to empower emergency physicians and protect the patients they serve.

Emergency physicians are the safety net of every community. They will treat anyone, regardless of ability to pay, 24/7/365 through emergency departments and other urgent care settings. When they are equipped with the necessary tools to deliver lifesaving care, every individual and community benefits.

A proud state chapter of:

What We Do:


FCEP fights for pro-emergency care policies that benefit physicians and the patients they serve in places where decisions are made 


FCEP promotes best practices in emergency medicine through continuing education, events and resources

Professional Development

FCEP acts a forum for Florida’s emergency physicians to come together, network and share information for overall success

50 Years of FCEP

The Florida College of Emergency Physicians was founded on October 15, 1971. Celebrate our 50-year legacy by learning about our history and contributing to our future.

Our HistoryDonate Now


FCEP is the fourth largest chapter of ACEP, and membership grows every year.

FCEP members

FCEP Board of Directors

Serving as of August 3, 2023

Executive Officers:

Jordan Celeste, MD, FACEP

MD President

Todd Slesinger, MD, FACEP, FCCM, FCCP


Saundra Jackson, MD, FACEP

Vice President

Blake Buchanan, MD


Damian Caraballo, MD, FACEP

Immediate Past-President
EMpulse Magazine is FCEP’s official publication

Current Issue:

Fall 2023

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