Emergency Medicine Residency Program at:
Aventura Hospital
Aventura, FL
Program Director: Todd Slesinger, MD, FACEP, FCCM, FCCP, FAAEM
ACGME Accredited: 2016
Total Resident Positions: 36

Winter 2020: Aventura Hospital
Aventura had a great turnout at ACEP19 in Denver, CO, with a large number of our senior residents and several core faculty attending. We are well into interview season with a record number of applicants and a busy interview schedule. Thank you to program coordinator...

Fall 2019: Aventura
This summer was busy with intern orientation. We had a large number of EM and non-EM faculty step up to teach and lead hands-on procedural sessions, including a suture workshop, dedicated intern simulation day and two full days of ultrasound training. The Aventura...