Emergency Medicine Residency Program at:
Orange Park Medical Center
Orange Park, FL
Program Director: Jennifer Chapman, MD
ACGME Accredited: 2019
Total Resident Positions: 36

Fall 2023: HCA Florida Orange Park Emergency Medicine Residency
Greetings from the team at Orange Park EM! We wrapped up a busy year this past June by graduating our second class of residents via a beautiful beachside ceremony. All of our recent grads are now working across the US, enjoying their new lives as attendings and...

Fall 2022: Orange Park Medical Center
The EM residents in Orange Park have had a busy summer. Drs. Deaton, Wood and Bosley started off in May with a mass causality training for our program at the Clay County Fairgrounds. They enlisted help from Clay County Fire and Rescue and a team of volunteer moulaged...

Spring 2022: Orange Park Medical Center
As our academic year comes to a close, we’re excited to see our first class of residents transition to being attendings. Our current PGY-3 class has lined up solid jobs in seven states (Alabama, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio and Texas), including...

Winter 2022: Orange Park Medical Center
Greetings from Orange Park EM residency! We’ve been busy as ever with lots of exciting news and updates heading into the new calendar year. On the academic front, our EM residency research program continues to experience exponential growth with the addition of our...

Fall 2021: Orange Park Medical Center
In July, our EM residency became complete as we welcomed our third class of residents into our program. The interns are settling in well and making us proud, despite the continuing challenges of the pandemic. Our entire emergency department continues to adapt and work...

Orange Park Medical Center: Summer 2021
As this unprecedented academic year comes to an end, we’re very excited with the new developments at Orange Park Medical Center. We have two new ultrasound fellowship-trained emergency physicians joining us in the next few months from Brooklyn, NY. Both are trained in...

Spring 2021: Orange Park
This is an exciting time for Orange Park EM residents! The ITE is behind us, and we are looking forward to meeting our new interns in July. With the arrival of our 12 new interns, our residency family will be complete. We are excited to have our full complement of 36...

Orange Park EM Residency: Winter 2021
Orange Park Emergency Medicine has pushed hard to finish the year strong after a challenging season filled with new hurdles every week. We’ve found that the most important thing to remember in overcoming challenges is that having strong teammates and colleagues to...

SBS 2020: 12th Annual Emergency Medicine Research Poster Awards
Winners: Outstanding Medical Student Poster Evaluation of European Society of Cardiology 0/1-H Algorithm in the Early Diagnosis of MI at UF Health By Justin Raman, MS [2,19], Jacob Sammon, BS [19], Elizabeth Warren, RN [19], Brandon Allen, MD [19] Outstanding Resident...

Fall 2020: Orange Park Medical Center
The last few months have been a time of extraordinary growth for our program. Not only did we expand as a residency by welcoming our second class into the ED, but we are also in the process of literally expanding our hospital as we near the completion of a three-story...