Emergency Medicine Residency Program at:
Orlando Health
Orlando, FL
Program Director: Josef G. Thundiyil, MD, FACEP
ACGME Accredited: 1985
Total Resident Positions: 54

Summer 2020: Orlando Health
Hello from Orlando! We hope that everyone is staying healthy and safe. As we begin our summer, we all take a collective sigh of frustration for what has been an incredibly difficult year thus far. We are facing the worst global pandemic of our lifetimes and continue...

Spring 2020: Orlando Health
Orlando Health has been staying busy in 2020! Many of our residents and faculty attended Emergency Medicine Days in January to advocate for pressing issues in emergency medicine. In February, some senior residents and faculty headed north to Greenville, SC for the...

Winter 2020: Orlando Health
Greetings from Orlando! Orlando Regional Medical Center (ORMC) has had a productive and busy fall season. Following with tradition, we sent our 16 seniors to Denver for ACEP19 with several members of our faculty. We enjoyed the conferences, exhibits and labs ACEP had...

Fall 2019: Orlando Health
Hello from Orlando! We’ve had an excellent beginning to our academic year. Our interns have been rocking it in and out of the department, seeing a lot of exciting cases in the ER, practicing procedures in Sim Lab, and honing their laser tag skills. We expect great...