Fall 2019: President’s Message
Dear Colleagues,
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as the President of the Florida College of Emergency Physicians. I am incredibly grateful to Dr. Vidor Friedman, President of the American College of Emergency Physicians, for founding FCEP’s Leadership Academy during his tenure as president of our state chapter. Without Dr. Friedman’s leadership and that of my most influential professional mentor, Dr. Chuck Duva, I would not have the opportunity to serve in this role.
We had an incredible Symposium by the Sea this year with record-high attendance! I would like to extend particular gratitude to our incredible staff led by CEO Beth Brunner, who was recently elected as an officer of the Florida Conference of Medical Executives. Drs. Rene Mack and Shayne Gue did a tremendous amount of work to orchestrate this event in service to their colleagues as well as our patients and specialty.
I am humbled to serve on behalf of amazing emergency physicians who lead their care teams in meeting the needs of patients and their loved ones 24/7/365. We are a true family, sharing moments not often witnessed or experienced by the majority of our fellow men and women. As I strive to meet the needs of our physicians and the patients for whom we advocate, I would like to share my goals for the upcoming year with you in the context of FCEP’s strategic plan.
Strategic Goal #1: The Florida College of Emergency Physicians will be the leader in emergency medicine legislative/regulatory advocacy in the state of Florida.
-There is a great depth and breadth of expertise amongst our membership, which shall be appropriately cataloged and utilized for advocacy (billing/coding/reimbursement, public health initiatives, etc.).
-The Government Affairs and Medical Economics Committees, along with FCEP staff and our contracted lobbyist, shall guide the efforts of FCEP as the Board of Directors develops consensus views on issues arising and recurring this legislative session.
-The Political Action Committees affiliated with FCEP shall be supported by the Board of Directors and membership to promote initiatives protecting our patients and ensuring the longevity and wellness of our specialty.
Strategic Goal #2: The Florida College of Emergency Physicians will develop strategies to expand and engage the membership base.
-FCEP shall demonstrate the value of membership and contribution to the organization to every member and potential member.
-FCEP shall transparently share the return on investment of membership to every member and potential member.
-FCEP shall strive to engage all emergency medicine residency programs in the state and keep the residents and faculty engaged by sharing value of membership.
Strategic Goal #3: The Florida College of Emergency Physicians will develop and provide quality resources for the education and training of emergency medicine professionals as the specialty dictates.
-FCEP shall offer educational programs in a relevant format most digestible and meaningful given technology’s current state.
-FCEP shall continue to offer training to team members across the continuum of care from pre-hospital to in-hospital settings.
-FCEP shall work with our Pediatric Emergency Medicine Committee leaders and members to develop and implement crucial educational offerings across the state, improving the quality of care delivery for all youth in Florida encompassing all settings, from rural to academic.
Strategic Goal #4: The Florida College of Emergency Physicians will demonstrate financial strength, sustainability and growth with optimal utilization of staff and resources.
-FCEP shall revitalize our fundraising efforts with regard to alleviating our current mortgage debt by sharing the value of our current building, ongoing increased revenue as a result of our physical plant, and emphasizing the importance and legacy to our specialty, fellow physicians and patients.
-FCEP shall continue to engage corporate sponsors and synergistic partners to advance emergency medicine care with benefit to both our patients and members.
Again, I am humbled to serve in this capacity and I have tremendous respect for every one of you. Your service to your colleagues and your patients is a testament to your character and selflessness. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any comments, questions or concerns. I can be reached via e-mail at kmccabemd@gmail.com or via call/text at (386) 283-2326.
Yours Truly,
Kristin B. McCabe-Kline, MD
Regional Operations Coordinator, Emergency Medicine Professionals (EMPros)
EMS Medical Director, Flagler County/City of Palm Coast/City of Flagler Beach
Immediate Past Chief of Staff, AdventHealth Palm Coast