Fall 2019: Oak Hill Hospital

by Samantha League, MA | Nov 21, 2019 | EMpulse, HCA West at Oak Hill Hospital, Residency Update, West Florida

After the first couple months of the new academic year, everyone is getting settled in. The seniors are adjusting to their new responsibilities and have been helping the interns with the transition from medical student to resident. This coming year is full of new developments.

Our new simulation manikin has arrived and will be installed soon. We are looking forward to our simulation center opening in the next month. We will be running simulations not only with residents but also nurses and other disciplines in the hospital.

As part of our second-year curriculum, we have been fortunate to set up rotations at John’s Hopkins All Children’s Hospital. It has been an excellent pediatric experience. We are excited to continue our relationship with them.

The ED expansion is scheduled to begin soon. It will be an adjustment working around the construction, but part of being an ED resident is being flexible. It will bring about a much needed and anticipated increase in beds and space for not only the staff but residents as well.

Recently, we participated in FCEP’s Symposium by the Sea. A few of our seniors and interns also had a chance to compete in SimWARS and SonoRace. We are looking forward to another chance to participate.

Our residency has been evolving since it started over a year ago, and we are excited to have the opportunity to shape it. We are eager to see what the future holds. ■

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