Fall 2019: St. Lucie Medical Center

by Samantha League, MA | Nov 21, 2019 | EMpulse, Residency Update, South Florida, St. Lucie Medical Center

Our first-year residents are settling into the routine and we are glad to have them aboard. We have made some exciting changes to our conference curriculum this year, including a central resource where residents and faculty can view the agenda and reading topics for many months in advance. Chief resident Dr. Oliver Morris has been working diligently with core faculty to make this vision a reality, and we as a whole are grateful for their efforts.

We are excited to welcome this year’s rotating medical students to our program. They are also enjoying the rollout of a new student curriculum. Students will be guided through the basics of ultrasound knobology with our US Director, Dr. David Hotwagner. EKG conferences are taught by Dr. Sarah Fowles and APD Dr. Josephin Mathai leads our mock oral boards cases. Program Director Dr. Thomas Matese introduces the wonders of “Ordered Thinking,” which teaches students how to carve order out of the chaos of the ED.

Our program took part in our quarterly SIM lab experience in Boca Raton, where we were challenged with obstetrics and geriatric trauma cases. The obstetrics cases were particularly challenging, as one was complicated by eclampsia and the need for resuscitative hysterotomy and the other by a shoulder dystocia.

SLMC was chosen in the lottery to compete in SimWARS at Symposium by the Sea 2019. Drs. Laughlin, PGY-4, Gulenay, PGY-4, Chitty, PGY-3 and Dreschler, PGY-2 (pictured above) showcased their medical knowledge in front of their peers. We are proud of their performance and look forward to competing again. ■

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