Brandon Regional EM Residency: Winter 2021
It’s hard to believe we are already halfway into the new academic year. Our interns have grown immensely from July and have become an integral part of our department. We are so proud of their growth and contributions to our program. Over the last few months, we have had some exciting events and resident accomplishments.
Our academic days have continued to improve as we get new innovative ideas from our residents and faculty. We recently had our Simulation Extravaganza Day at our amazing simulation center. This full-day event was spearheaded by Simulation Director Dr. Martin Kim and APD Dr. Prascilla Cruz, and involved multiple, high-yield critical case scenarios, procedural skills, Jeopardy-style board review and much more. Thank you to all of our amazing faculty who participated in this event! We have also implemented Morning Report into our program (see photo above).
We have had some great discussions led by our residents on various topics such as indications and steps for cordis placement, recognition and management of stable vs. unstable afiv rvr, and Bartholin cysts. These teaching rounds have been received positively by all ED staff, including nurses and techs.
Additionally, Brandon Regional EM is incredibly proud of our PGY-3s, who have secured fellowship positions in some of the most competitive and prestigious programs in the nation. Dr. Melissa Bacci will be going on to complete a critical care medicine fellowship at University of Pittsburgh. Drs. Caroline Shepherd, Matthew Bryce McClure and Keyon Shokraneh will continue on to ultrasound fellowships at the University of Pennsylvania, UF Jacksonville and University of Massachusetts, respectively. Finally, Dr. Rashmi Jadhav will go on to Georgetown University for her simulation and patient safety fellowship. Drs. Ricki Brown and Andrew Glickman have accepted positions at Brandon Regional Hospital’s ED. We are incredibly proud of everyone’s accomplishments and look forward to more announcements like this in the upcoming months!
Lastly, our interview season has brought us some very competitive applicants. It has been a pleasure meeting so many qualified candidates for our new intern class. As we continue with virtual interviews, we look forward to meeting many more potential candidates and a successful Match in March. ■

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