Fall 2020: EMRAF President’s Message
Welcome to a new academic year. I am your incoming EMRAF president, and I am looking forward to reinvigorating resident involvement.
The Emergency Medicine Residents’ Association of Florida (EMRAF) is the designated state committee for emergency medicine residents. Greatly expanding the number of residency programs in Florida over the last few years has led, unfortunately, to more distancing and sometimes less familiarity amongst residents in EMRAF. However, it also brings generous opportunity for collaboration with now 19 programs statewide! During this season, I will continue to reach out individually with the goal of establishing a Residency Representative for each program with whom we can coordinate and disseminate information about upcoming FCEP programming.
To my fellow residents, now more than ever, your voice in this organization is vital. You represent a variety of academic residency program designs with various perspectives, and the patients you care for belong to the many diverse regions of Florida. Through FCEP events and committee meetings, you have an opportunity to contribute that perspective and guide our state’s chapter of ACEP. Additionally, involvement brings networking, leadership and advocacy opportunities, and fun! Please reach out to your program coordinator or to me directly for more information.
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