Fall 2021: EMRAF
At Symposium by the Sea, and as we celebrate our 50th anniversary, we have heard from 50 voices in emergency medicine, and we are reminded that working through adversity has been our hallmark since our initiation. As residents who trained through the pandemic, we have been a vital part of our hospitals’ disaster management, signing up to help with last-minute plan changes, managing ICU holds and overwhelmed waiting rooms. At our summer meeting, EMRAF residents created plans for spreading awareness of FCEP, exploring what we can do to directly help our growing number of Florida EM residents. We are a resilient and adaptable workforce, and together we can promote ourselves. This is part of the FCEP mission: to empower emergency physicians. We are here for you.
As our families and communities reemerge out of our homes and back into the hustle and bustle of life, we have been forced to acknowledge, and even confront, what home means to each of us. It has been said that home is not a place but instead who you are with; home is not where you live, but rather where they understand you. But home can be both. Because our environment contributes to our character, our physical experiences in emergency medicine help to shape us. This is why EMRAF in FCEP can be that home for our new Florida residents, through our shared experiences. We are part of a story, and FCEP, through its 50 years of history, advocacy and education, has gone into the making of our role.
EMRAF interest is building, but there is so much more residents can benefit from this year. If you have not yet signed up to receive updates, click Subscribe to Announcements at the bottom of fcep.org, or send me an email at ecalhounmd@gmail.com. ■
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