Fall 2021: Jackson Memorial Hospital
Greetings from Miami! We can’t believe it’s fall already. It seems like just yesterday that we were hosting our orientation month and the yearly intern welcome BBQ at Dr. Diskin’s house. Now we are sipping on Starbucks’ PSL, watching football and keeping our fingers crossed against hurricanes.
The 15 members from the Class of 2024 came from all over the country, bringing a breadth of diversity and experiences. They quickly settled into life in Miami and hit the ground running as they began caring for the sickest patients due to COVID-19 cases rising again in South Florida. We are hopeful that the peak has passed, and our residents have remained compassionate and resilient as we continue to serve our community in this time of need. In fact, Dr. Juhi Varshney, PGY-1 was so moved by her experience that she wrote a piece in the Miami Herald on COVID-19 through the eyes of an EM physician. We are so proud of her for her heartfelt and inspirational article.
Accolades are also in order for Drs. Kristopher Hendershot and Naomi Newton, PGY-2s, who competed in FCEP’s 2021 Virtual Case Presentation Competition (CPC) and brought home the trophy for the best program for the 5th consecutive year! Dr. Naomi Newton was also recognized as the overall best discussant. We would like to congratulate them on all their dedication, hard work and success.
Before we know it, recruitment season will be here, so the planning for the next virtual interview season has already begun. We can’t wait to meet stellar new medical students interested in training at Jackson!
We hope to see everyone live at ACEP21! ■
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