Fall 2021: Membership and PD Committee Update
The topic is burnout.
As we begin to emerge from yet another peak in the number of COVID-19 hospitalizations in Florida, we must take time to reflect and bring focus to our personal wellness. What does it mean to be “well” in medicine? What do we do when we feel the effects of burnout?
Little more than a year ago, our society was literally applauding healthcare heroes each night. We were risking our lives, fighting an unknown virus, with little information and limited resources. One year later, we are armed with the knowledge and tools (vaccines) to actually win this battle against COVID, yet widespread fear mongering and misinformation propaganda continue to allow this virus to wreak havoc on our society. I, for one, am frustrated and tired. And I know that many of you feel the same.
We are starting to speak on the topic more often, but now, more than ever, it’s important to practice what we preach: looking out for one another and making wellness an everyday priority. Burnout is on the rise. Physician suicide is at an all-time high. We must be better at supporting one another, recognizing the signs of burnout, and taking steps to mitigate its effects. ACEP boasts many resources and services, and every ACEP member has access to at least three free counseling sessions. Take advantage of these free resources and don’t ever hesitate to reach out to us for help.
On a happier note, we were so thankful to have had the opportunity to come together in person for Symposium by the Sea 2021 in Naples. It was a weekend of friendship, fellowship, advocacy and education. We celebrated together the success of FCEP’s 50-year history, including many generations of past, current and future leaders in our specialty. The entire weekend was safe and successful due to our hardworking FCEP staff and the many physicians in attendance. We are already looking forward to next year, so be on the lookout for more information coming your way!
As always, we thank you for your continued dedication to the specialty we all practice and love. The times have been trying, but you have all shown resilience, compassion and strength throughout. FCEP is here for you, and we are all here for each other. I look forward to seeing you all in happier circumstances very soon. Keep up the good fight! ■
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