Fall 2022: Orange Park Medical Center

by Davis Wood, DOHillary Baker, DO and Shannon Overholt, MD | Oct 31, 2022

The EM residents in Orange Park have had a busy summer. Drs. Deaton, Wood and Bosley started off in May with a mass causality training for our program at the Clay County Fairgrounds. They enlisted help from Clay County Fire and Rescue and a team of volunteer moulaged patients.

Back on campus, our interns are off to a great start. Our medical student rotation has been restructured and we have had two wonderful cohorts of auditioning students so far. Our Sim Center construction continues to be underway, however, this is not holding Sim Faculty Dr. Codrin Nemes back from conducting weekly simulation sessions with small groups of residents and faculty. The real time and immediate feedback has been tremendous and impactful.

Our program is proud to represent ACEP locally and nationally. Dr. Ed Hu, PGY-2 presented his research poster at Symposium by the Sea. Our Ultrasound Fellowship Director, Dr. Taryn Hoffman, also attended this conference to lead and meet with the inaugural FCEP Ultrasound Committee.

Associate Program Director, Dr. Ed Descallar, was selected as ACEP’s Chair of the Young Physicians’ section and made new connections in San Francisco at the annual convention. Dr. P.J Bissmeyer, PGY-2 is excited to join as a member of the ACEP Ethics Committee and discuss these emotionally difficult topics for residents and attendings alike. Dr. Janae Fry, former Chief Resident and current faculty, and Dr. Michael Euwema are working with ACEP as part of the Kenya Global Medical ambassador team. Both have extensive knowledge in global medicine from several previous mission trips. In October, Chief Resident Dr. Hillary Baker presented at ACEP’s Scientific Assembly in San Francisco.

We are looking forward to marvelous things in the near future. Our residents are attending a wellness event and will challenge each other at an escape room in a few weeks. Associate Program Director, Dr. Shilpa Amin, was chosen to serve on the Duval County Medical Society New Membership Committee and is looking forward to attending the annual conference in October. Dr. Michael Wakely, PGY-2 is eager to present at CORD in the spring. ■

This article is part of the following sections:

Davis Wood, DO
Hillary Baker, DO
Shannon Overholt, MD