Fall 2023: FSU at Sarasota Memorial Hospital
Greetings from Sarasota! As we transition from the sunny days of summer to the fall season, our program is excited to share some updates from our FSU-Sarasota family.
This summer we celebrated the graduation of our program’s second residency class! Two of our graduates went on to fellowships in Peds EM and Critical Care, and we were lucky enough to have two other graduates join on as new attendings at Sarasota Memorial Hospital! Our program also kicked off the summer by celebrating the arrival of the new intern class with our Annual Boat Day. EM residents and attendings cruised around the Gulf and gorgeous Florida beaches for a day of relaxation and sunshine.
Our interns have settled into the department and were even able to travel down to Bonita Springs to attend FCEP’s Symposium by the Sea. Additionally, we couldn’t be prouder of our residents – Dr. Jessie Cable, PGY-2, and Dr. Casey Kelly, PGY-3 –who represented our program in CPC this year!
We are also thrilled to announce Sarasota Memorial recently broke ground to make way for our new Research and Education Institute. The new 5-story facility is roughly 80,000 square-feet and will house a new, state of the art simulation center, medical library, and resident lounge.
As the fall season approaches, we are eager to kick off the interview season, and look forward to seeing what the future holds. Cheers from our program to yours!

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