Fall 2023: HCA St. Lucie Medical Center
What a summer we had down here in St. Lucie! From storm threats to the new incoming class, it definitely was an exciting season as I am sure it was for the rest of the programs in the region. As we transition into fall, we’ve got a lot to be thankful for and tons of things we are looking forward to. For starters, most of our seniors have secured positions for next year from here at St. Lucie, to Texas, and beyond. The interns have all assimilated well and we are happy to have added them to our family.
Since we last gave an update, we graduated a great group of gentlemen who have all settled in comfortably to their new work-homes. There was also more to celebrate, as Dr. Kyle Nielsen of the 2023 class got married to our amazing chief, Dr. Kara Mann. We are so thankful for their hard work and amazing contributions to the program over the years. We couldn’t be happier for the two. Continuing the trend in this season of thanks, Dr. Cardriche (who recently took over as Research Director), has seamlessly transitioned into his new role, and has plenty of current projects he is pumped up about. His constant curiosity and jovial attitude are a perfect fit for the role and we couldn’t be more pleased. We also had the honor of hosting Dr. Marianne Gausche-Hill for a guest lecture in which she highlighted some wild cases from her own career. In St. Lucie, we have the privilege to take care of a lot of sick children, and to be able to hear from one of the best in the business on the topic was enlightening.
As we look forward to the fall, some of our residents will be on their off-service rotations, others will hang back in the ED. It’s a bittersweet time here in St. Lucie as we will miss seeing those faces more often than not, but thankful they will be gaining experience in other fields to build a more balanced and skilled repertoire as EM physicians. We also have a wellness day coming up in the next few weeks. We will be heading to the beach together for some much needed rest and relaxation. Our fingers are crossed for clear weather, warm water, and some gnarly swells!
With the beginning of fall comes the ever-so-near winter and new year, it’s hard not to be elated about the new, anticipated, and unexpected in our lives. As emergency physicians, I’m sure you can all agree, that is where we thrive. So from our program to yours, congrats on a new academic year and we wish you the best!
Until next time,
– Lucie ED Residents & Faculty

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