Future EP Workforce Considerations and Potential Next Steps
ACEP recently unveiled the results of its multi-year, multi-organizational workforce study, which concluded that for the first time in history, we are headed toward a likely oversupply of emergency physicians in the next decade.
The data shows the stark reality of the impending workforce needs and provides the foundation for our next steps to correct its course. It’s time to move past fear and frustration into action. There is not one perfect, holistic solution to address market-driven industry instability and no quick fixes for the challenges we face.
You have our promise that ACEP will work tirelessly toward solutions and action plans to protect your role in the future of emergency medicine. Nothing will stand in our way — not corporations or private equity, not insurance companies or non-physician practitioners. We stand united with you.
No matter where the future takes us, ACEP remains committed to fighting for and supporting the front line emergency physician — from academia, large or small groups, government, to any other model of care. Even now, ACEP and our chapters are advocating in states nationwide to ensure your job is not done by anyone less qualified than you by fighting NP/PA independent practice creep in state legislatures.
The Workforce Task Force’s next step is to gather ideas from the entire specialty and develop action plans to stabilize and strengthen emergency medicine.
From ACEP’s perspective, there are several key considerations, including:
- Stop the proliferation of emergency medicine residents and residency programs
- Raise the bar to ensure consistency across emergency medicine residency training
- Ensure business interests are not superseding the needs of educating the workforce
- Support practicing physicians to encourage rewarding practice in all communities
- Ensure appropriate use of NPs and PAs to protect the unique role of emergency physicians
- Ensure every patient has access to a board-certified emergency physician
- Broaden the umbrella to expand emergency physician scope of practice
- Expand the reach of emergency medicine to ensure that no community is left behind
These considerations are a starting point to outline pressing issues and potential solutions proposed to date. Very importantly, your perspectives and approaches are critical to these ongoing deliberations. Differing opinions are still needed and welcomed, as it is vital all consequences, whether intended and unintended, are considered in advance.
Ask your chapter leaders to coordinate a town hall where you can propose and debate ideas related to this issue and potential solutions. If you are not able to convene this kind of intimate group, consider sending your individual thoughts to workforce@acep.org or join the EM Physician Workforce of the Future discussion forum on the ACEP EngagED platform.
ACEP remains dedicated to working together with our members and partners who share our commitment to identify data-driven solutions that promote both patient safety and emergency physician opportunities.
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