Spring 2021: EMS/Trauma and FAEMSMD
As we reflect upon the one-year anniversary of Covid-19, let us remember how EMS and emergency personnel stood in the face of the unknown to care for patients. We appreciated the displays of gratitude shown early in the pandemic, but I believe the courage and strength of character to persevere this length of time needs to be recognized, as well.
Most people outside of our field will never understand the constant toil and pressure to serve that we in EMS and emergency medicine felt as the world shut down. We were faced with reminders of our work, even during our downtime. Our staff and crews are remarkable, and need to be reminded and treated as such. The “safety net” system is not just a net, but more of a support beam for our society. We need to ensure that we continue to work as one. We must treat each other with respect and kindness so that all of us who make up this “safety beam” of society can continue to be the strong support the country needs and expects us to be. The next time you are stressed and ready to yell at that crew, medic, doc, nurse, tech, etc. — remember, we are all in this together. Support each other.
EMS/Trauma/FAEMSMD Updates:
Led by the amazing Dr. Chrissy Van Dillen and with updates from State Medical Director Dr. Ken Scheppke, a variety of topics were covered at the latest FAEMSMD and EMS/Trauma committee meetings. FCEP reminders included online education to meet state requirements, such as the mandatory opioid prescribing training, along with upcoming event announcements such as Symposium by the Sea on August 5-8, 2021.
Highlights from the FAEMSMD Meeting
The state has contracted with Quality Improvement Organizations (QIO) to establish community coalitions to focus on key health issues impacting rural and vulnerable populations. The Florida Hospital Association (FHA) is hosting virtual regional kickoff meetings; see more at AlliantQuality.org.
A shared resource (Google Drive) has been established, and FASEMSMD continues to have immensely valuable weekly meetings followed by Eagles group updates. If you missed these, make sure you check them out:
Finally, FAEMSMD is excited to announce its new website: faesmsmd.org. Check us out, and if you are an EM resident or EMS fellow, please consider joining FAEMSMD for free through our new Resident/Fellow membership category.
Stay safe, and remember that what you do matters!
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