Fall 2022: EMS/Trauma
For this update, we will cover the September EMS Medical Director/FAEMSMD meeting. President Dr. Abo introduced the Deputy Secretary of Health for Florida, Dr. Ken Scheppke, who presented the highly successful Addiction Stabilization and Management Center project that is ongoing in South Florida. Dr. Scheppke shared personal success stories that demonstrate the program’s success and offered assistance to other agencies interested in creating their own programs. This is a project that is supported by the state and the Governor, and has been largely successful.
State Medical Director Dr. Angus Jameson then presented his update covering a variety of projects, including the continued work with the Florida Stroke Registry and development of Resuscitation Centers. There were major updates to the medical director dashboards on Biospatial and some discussion of the state-supported mass casualty triage program, ReadyOp. Dr. Phyllis Hendry presented the state EMS for Children update that included some of the EMS survey data. Dr. Peter Antevy discussed the FL NAEMSP group and that we are excited to welcome the NAEMSP national meeting in Tampa in 2023.
The next meeting will take place in January 2023 at Fire Rescue East. ■
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