Fall 2023: HCA Florida Orange Park Emergency Medicine Residency
Greetings from the team at Orange Park EM!
We wrapped up a busy year this past June by graduating our second class of residents via a beautiful beachside ceremony. All of our recent grads are now working across the US, enjoying their new lives as attendings and reporting excellent board scores! After matching a full suite of 12 residents, our new PGY-1’s have hit the ground running – managing patients in the ED as well as on their off-service rotations in the adult and pediatric ICUs. Construction has begun on our new, multi-million-dollar, high-fidelity simulation center which will be optimized based on recommendations by our new director of simulation, Dr. Codrin Nemes. Additionally, in collaboration with our rising PGY-2’s Drs. Clay and Dagenhart, Dr. Nemes is coordinating efforts to present at IMSH 2023.
Speaking of conferences, we’ve been loving them this year! We started off the year with a multi-program ultrasound bootcamp where our PGY-1’s took a deep dive into POCUS. We sent several resident representatives to FCEP’s Symposium by the Sea where Drs. Thomas and Adams presented recent case reports on track for publication. Dr. Adams joined Drs. Hu and Kantrales to take home a 3rd place victory in the quiz bowl competition after battling it out in this year’s Case Presentation Competition. We are also gearing up for ACEP this year with a multitude of new research from the program, led by our Director of Research and staff liaison of ACEP’s research committee, Dr Martin Wegman.
Interested in Global medicine? Dr. Fry’s Global EM workshop is a must see at this year’s ACEP. Dr. Fry is ACEP’s ambassador to Kenya and Global EM aficionado who frequents the country every year for missions. Dr. Euwema, ACEP’s ambassador to Trinidad, has partnered with the University of the West Indies and is currently developing a resident exchange program between our two programs that is set to begin later this month. Finally, we continue to cultivate relationships with our colleagues at Wolfson Children’s Hospital where we have implemented extremely rewarding pediatric ICU and pediatric EM rotations as well as participate in joint conferences regarding interesting and rare cases. All in all, we are ready for another exciting year at Orange Park!

Drs Carr (left), Hu, Kantrales, Sealby and Hoffman (right) celebrating their finalist position at Sonogames 2023!
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