Fall 2023: HCA Kendall Hospital
Welcome back! We have been busy here in Miami since the last edition of EMpulse. We bid farewell to our graduating class of 2023- half are going on to various fellowships and the other half are assuming attending positions across the country (Image 1)! We have also been hard at work welcoming our twelve new residents and getting their hands dirty as they begin their careers in EM (Image 2)! As has become a regular installment for our program, a group of second and third year residents recently returned from an outreach trip to Nicaragua providing care to the medically underserved populations of the country, led by our very own program director Dr. Valori Slane.
We have been fortunate enough to, in conjunction with our in-house ultrasound fellowship, continue to incorporate transesophageal echocardiograms (TEE) in the resuscitations of our most critically ill patients, allowing our residents to stay on the cutting edge of patient-centered resuscitation. We were very pleased to retain two of our very own from the class of 2023: Drs. Castillo and Rodriguez as our ultrasound fellows for the 2023-2024 academic year.
We have also kicked off our academic activities with the reintroduction of our monthly Journal Clubs where we discuss practice changing literature in EM over some of Miami’s best crafted local beers. We dive deep into the literature to critically assess what exactly the evidence is behind some of our daily practices and how it came to be standard of care. Spoiler alert, the data isn’t always as convincing as you would think!
We continue to provide regular updates on program happenings through our social media presence and any prospective applicants or interested parties should check us out: @kendall_emresidency

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