Florida COVID-19 Update (March 16)
EMLRC/FCEP staff are following coronavirus COVID-19 updates as they relate to Florida. Read the latest below.
Florida DOH Expands Testing Criteria
From the Orlando Sentinel at 11:11 am: The Florida Department of Health has finally expanded the testing criteria for COVID-19, allowing physicians to order a test based on their clinical judgment, mirroring what the CDC has been recommending.
According to new clinical guidance issued in an email to providers on Sunday, clinicians can choose to order a COVID-19 test even if their patient doesn’t fall within these six categories:
- contact with someone who has COVID-19;
- history of international or cruise travel;
- history of visits to domestic locations with community spread of the virus;
- hospitalization with acute lower respiratory illness of unknown origin;
- 65 years and older with chronic health problems;
- and being immunocompromised.
If doctors choose to order a test for their patients outside the six criteria, they must send samples to their health care facility or a commercial lab like LabCorp and Quest. Samples collected from patients who fall within the state’s six criteria can also be sent to one of the state’s three public health laboratories.
The previous criteria only included history of travel, contact with someone who has COVID-19 and lower respiratory illness of known origin.
Drive-Thru Testing in Broward
Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Sunday evening that his administration is working with Memorial Healthcare System in Broward County to set up a drive-through system where certain people can be tested for free. He doesn’t have a projected starting date for the drive-through testing yet, but is working with the National Guard to have it operational as soon as possible.
Broward County is leading our state in the number of confirmed cases.
Some Florida South Beaches Are Closed
The cities of Miami and Fort Lauderdale, which see massive spring break crowds every year, are closing their beaches to help stop the spread of COVID-19. In Fort Lauderdale, officials are closing off the beach from Harbor Beach to Oakland Park Boulevard. In Miami Beach, officials are closing the beach from 5th to 15th Street, including Lummus Park, beginning today.
The cities also ordered bars and restaurants to close by 10 p.m. and to operate at 50% capacity.
New Guidance from CDC: Cancel Events with 50+ People
On Sunday, the CDC said individuals and organizations should reschedule events with 50 or more people for the next eight weeks to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
Gatherings of any size should also be reconsidered unless organizers can protect vulnerable people, ensure proper hand hygiene and social distancing. The guidance doesn’t apply to schools, universities or businesses, the CDC said, and “should not supersede orders from local officials.”
As mayors in cities throughout Florida urged residents to practice social distancing and mostly stay home, Puerto Rico made the restrictions mandatory. On Sunday, Gov. Wanda Vázquez signed an executive order instituting a two-week closure for the majority of businesses on the island, and a 9:00 pm overnight curfew through March 30. The only exceptions are supermarkets, restaurants offering carryout or delivery, pharmacies, medical equipment stores, gas stations and banks – along with suppliers to those businesses. These are the most widespread restrictions yet seen in the United States.
Florida Ranks #5 for States with Most Cases
As of 11:28 am today, CNN reports Florida has 149 confirmed or “presumptive positive” coronavirus cases and fourth deaths. That puts our state at #5 on CNN’s list.
Interested in Giving Media Interviews?
The public needs to hear from you directly. If you are willing to participate in interviews with your local news stations, please contact Sam League at sleague@emlrc.org ASAP.
Samantha manages fcep.org and publishes all content. Some articles may not be written by her. If you have questions about authorship or find an error, please email her directly.