Spring 2021: Medical Student Council
Hello from the FCEP Medical Student Council (MSC)! We have been collaborating with the many Emergency Medicine Interest Groups (EMIGs) in our wonderful state on how they are addressing their students’ emergency medicine needs and activities during the pandemic. The EMIGs have had skills workshops in COVID-friendly outlets, Zoom series with EM subspecialties, and residency panels for the up and coming emergency physicians! Our quarterly meetings during the pandemic have been very helpful for the EMIGs to bounce ideas off of each other on how to best address social distancing precautions while simultaneously ensuring the safety of medical students. They have really gone above and beyond in helping their students.
The FCEP MSC will soon be transitioning to a new group of officers, so we would like to remind everyone to keep an eye out for applications for those positions in the upcoming weeks. Although EM Days was virtual this year, we hope to be able to see all of you at Symposium by the Sea on August 5-8, 2021!
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