Winter 2022: EMRAF President’s Message
As EMRAF moves into 2022, we are continuing to reach out to the unceasingly growing cohort of Florida residents. We have three short years to bring everything that FCEP offers, from educational programming to conferences and advocacy. We have improved our coordination with the FCEP Medical Student Council, and Life After Residency will be renewed after a COVID hiatus, now taking place in the spring. Please talk to your program directors and residency teams regarding Life After Residency. We want this event to truly fit our Florida residents’ needs. We are reaching out to programs directly to see what programming we can offer to be most helpful.
EM Days will look different this year, with two sets of meeting dates to promote the needs of our patients to our legislators. The task of understanding how active bills will affect our patient care is not as daunting as it seems! The first step is understanding how emergency medicine patient care functions, and you are already the experts in that. FCEP is hosting two quick legislative briefings, virtual and open to any member. Please take an hour out of your year to update yourself on emergency medicine’s priority issues in Florida. The first will take place January 19 at 2:00 pm and the second on January 27 at 2:00 pm. Find more information at
Our residency programs are vibrant and bustling through this season, working hard to interview the best candidates for their teams. FCEP welcomed Geoffrey Wade, PGY-3 from FSU Sarasota into FCEP’s Leadership Academy. If this is something that interests you or your colleagues, please let me know and visit for more information.
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