Fall 2021: AdventHealth East Orlando
Hello, everyone! I am Shannon Caliri, one of the new “baby docs” here at AdventHealth East Orlando. We interns are currently in our third month of residency and are trying to get acclimated to life as an ED resident. There are many obstacles to overcome and many, many new things to learn; but it is such an exciting time. We are doing procedures, rotating through different specialties, and learning from each and every one of our patients. We are all incredibly thrilled that we are now a part of such a great team and we are all striving to improve so we can make it even better.
This month the ED has been packed with COVID patients, and ICU beds are filling up fast with the most recent surge. The waiting room is consistently filled because of the many bed-holds preventing us from seeing new patients. Please, please, please get vaccinated, tell your loved ones to get vaccinated, and continue to wear your mask during these times. We need everyone to participate to win this battle.
Currently, our residency podcast is going through a rebranding process, and we will be up and running again soon. This podcast will aim at providing high quality EM content, board review and journal clubs, as well as highlighting our program. We will post an update once the podcast is ready to go.
Stay safe!
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