Spring 2022: EMRAF President’s Message
Congratulations to our newly matched emergency medicine residents and to the programs who have worked so hard this year to recruit virtually! We know that it has not been easy. With overall application of medical students into emergency medicine down by 17% in the last year, more than any other speciality according to AAMC data, it is as important as ever that we support our speciality. Advocating for emergency medicine and promoting its quality and importance is part of our role and one of the best ways to remain our patients’ advocates. How can we do this during this rocky wave for EM residents, with growing numbers of Florida programs, workforce limitations, pandemic conditions for trainees and new graduates, and decreased interest in the speciality?
The answer is clear: by uniting together. FCEP offers a way for residents to become involved right from the beginning of their training. With most programming free for residents, please take a look at what events will best suit you or your residents this upcoming year. With Life After Residency now scheduled in the spring, the continuation of the well-loved Symposium by the Sea on August 4-7, 2022, legislative involvement in Tallahassee each January or March, contributions to our growing EMpulse Magazine, over 11 committees and available positions within EMRAF – there are convenient ways for each resident to be minimally or heavily involved.
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