Spring 2020: FAU

by fcepadmin | Apr 24, 2020

Greetings from sunny South Florida in Boca Raton. As we grew into the second half of the academic year, our second- and third-year curriculum has begun incorporating longitudinal trauma shifts into our EM months. The first-year cohort will now begin their longitudinal EMS shifts, including ride-along shifts with the Boynton Beach Fire Rescue. As part of our monthly Wellness Curriculum, we spent an afternoon in February together as a program, assisting with beach clean-ups through Gumbo Limbo Nature Center in Boca Raton. We also welcomed Dr. Judd Hollander, now with Thomas Jefferson University, for Grand Rounds. He commented on the role of emergency physicians in the rapidly growing area of telemedicine, and he also lectured on his highly regarded research on high sensitivity troponins.

Finally, Assistant Program Director and Simulation Director, Dr. Patrick Hughes, had planned in March our biannual FAU Disaster Day, in coordination with Forts Medical Portable Clinics in Coconut Creek. With 40+ volunteers and actors, we simulated mass casualty and disaster scenarios, including a simulated viral outbreak in the setting of ongoing development of the Covid-19 eruption. ■

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  • This article originally appeared in EMpulse Spring 2020. View the full print version of the magazine here.

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