Spring 2020: Jackson Memorial Hospital

by fcepadmin | Apr 24, 2020

Greetings from Miami! What to say about the University of Miami/Jackson Health System residency in 2020 so far? We could easily discuss the preparations that went into organizing the South Florida Consortium— but, it had to be cancelled. We could talk about how excited our PGY-2s were to head out to Arizona for AAEM—but, that too was cancelled. Or the enthusiasm we all shared discussing the details of our second class’ graduation celebration—which is, as we write this, still very uncertain. Finally, many of us attended CORD in NY, but we are happy to report that we are all doing ok.

Instead, let’s focus on the fact that we were fortunate to fully match our program and are very excited and proud of the class that will be joining us in June. Our candidates come from all over the country: from California to Vermont, all the way south to our own city of Miami. Their onboarding promises to be unique, and we are ready for the challenge.

We had a very successful EM Foundations Small Groups session via Zoom; our first of the kind. It worked so well that we are thinking of permanently adapting the concept to our regular conferences moving forward.

We have five senior residents going into fellowships. Dr. John Combs is heading to Yale for an Ultrasound fellowship. Dr. Kristina Jacomino is heading to George Washington University for an Ultrasound fellowship as well. The Anesthesia Critical Care fellowship at Jackson Memorial Hospital will be the home of Dr. Dumi Presuma for the next year, and Dr. Timothy Montrief will be spending the next two years at the University of Pittsburg doing his Critical Care fellowship. Last but certainly not least, Dr. Emily Ball will be heading to the University of New Mexico for her Surgical Critical Care fellowship. We are proud to share their success with you and want to publicly congratulate them all.

Now our focus is in line with the entire country and world. We continue our mission of training our residents while doing our best to keep them safe. And although we have uncertain times ahead of us, we keep a positive outlook and look forward to seeing everyone on the other side of this. Stay safe, everyone! ■

This article is part of the following sections:

  • This article originally appeared in EMpulse Spring 2020. View the full print version of the magazine here.

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