Winter 2020: UCF/HCA North Florida Regional

by fcepadmin | Jan 1, 2020

It was a busy fall at North Florida! The interns are settled in, and the third-years are looking to the future.

In September, our program held the first Difficult Airway Course taught by faculty. Last year, several of our faculty became certified to instruct the Difficult Airway Course so we could host it at our program. There were lectures, skills labs and simulation to advance our airway management skills, and it was a very valuable learning experience.

We also had an educational session on physician finance with an advisor who works primarily with EM physicians. It was a fun and interactive session, answering a lot of questions almost no one addressed in medical school. The intern class also recently attended ATLS and APLS, ensuring their preparation for any emergent patient who may come in, no matter their age.

The third-year class went to ACEP19 in Denver, where they enjoyed networking, education and the outdoors. Mollie Powell, DO, PGY-2 presented at CaseCon, sharing her poster, “Listen to your Heart, or at Least theirs.” A faculty member, Evan Stern, MD, ran a cricothyrotomy simulation.

Chief resident Christopher Libby, MD, PGY-3 represented North Florida at the 2019 AMA Interim Meeting in San Diego. He is on the governing council of the Resident and Fellow Section, and participated in debate about parental leave and other protections for residents.

We are looking forward to the winter, which will include wellness activities and lots of excellent clinical and educational opportunities. ■

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  • This article originally appeared in EMpulse Winter 2020. View the full print version of the magazine here.

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